Nude Roses or Bare Root roses are ordered from our rose suppliers during the months of December and January. Nude or Bare Root means that the roses are shipped from the supplier without pots and then sold in the garden centre from a healing in bed or large multi-planted containers. This means that the customer pays less for the rose because it hasn’t been potted up. Our nude roses normally arrive from our suppliers during the months of June and July and are available at the garden centre for purchase from then. Our Nude roses are all a minimum of 2 years old and are purchased from the very best and trusted wholesale suppliers.
The Sanctuary Point Garden Centre also brings in a vast selection of potted roses (min 3 years old), however these start to arrive later in the season, normally around August and September.
Not all roses grow the same, hybrid tea roses appear as a single blossom on a long stem, making them perfect for cut flower arrangements. Floribunda, as the name implies, produces abundant clusters of flowers on its stems. Then there are climbing roses, miniature bush roses, ground cover roses and of course standard roses.
We’re happy to take pre-orders for roses so contact us today on (02) 4443 9032 or